Full Stack Course Manager
Full stack application created with a React client hosted on Netlify for the front end and a REST API and SQLite database hosted on Heroku complete with entry validation and user authentication on the backend. Please allow a few seconds for the Heroku dyno to wake up.
Technologies Used
SQL Library Manager
A library manager that allows the user to view the library catalogue and add & remove books. The app is built with Express and uses Sequelize ORM to manage a SQLite database. The database is hosted on Heroku. Please allow a few seconds for the Heroku dyno to wake up.
Technologies Used
React Flickr Gallery
A lightweight gallery app built using React. Enjoy photos from preset search keywords or search for your own. The project was bootstrapped with Create-React-App and hosted with manual deploys to Netlify.
Technologies Used
Public API Requests
Uses JSONPlaceholder API to generate a directory of users which can be filtered. Clicking on the user displays a modal with additional employee information.
Technologies Used
Phrase Hunter
A Hangman clone. A random mystery phrase is selected and the player must guess the phrase before running out of lives.
Technologies Used
Interactive Registration Form
A sample interactive conference registration form.
Technologies Used
Random Quote Generator
Given an array of quotes, displays a random quote with random background color.